Healthcare / Social Services Approach


Our approach to each executive search assignment is based on:

  • Creating a partnership with our health sector clients which is established at the commencement of the search and continues beyond the placement of the successful candidate
  • Building an understanding of the organization, its culture, vision  and values and the key success criteria for the individual appointed
  • Being an ambassador for the organization in the broader health care system
  • Original research and direct sourcing of candidates
  • Designing a customized search process which reflects the timing and strategic context for the recruitment

Our National Healthcare / Social Services Leadership Practice specializes in identifying senior executives and health care professionals who have been recognized as successful leaders in the health care system and within their own organizations and who are innovative, resourceful and able to lead in an environment of change and uncertainty. Our commitment to the broader development of organizational leadership capacity is one of the distinguishing features of the Legacy brand and the reason why we can provide recruitment services at the Board, CEO and senior management levels.

At the conclusion of the recruitment process a comprehensive on-boarding process for the successful candidate is designed including the design of a personal development plan if required. Throughout the first six months following an appointment being made, Tony Woolgar, Head of the National Healthcare / Social Services Leadership Practice would evaluate the success of the recruitment for both the organization and the candidate through a series of structured discussions using key evaluation criteria.


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